Auto Paneling: This function automatically splits long length jobs into smaller pages that are cut sequentially to prevent skewing.ARMS 8.O Contour-Cutting Advances: The newest version of Graphtec's industry-leading Advanced Registration Mark Sensing system supports contour-cutting outside printed registration marks, scanning and contour-cutting on colored and specialty media, segmented registration marks, and bar code scanning.Media may be automatically wound in either direction to improve efficiency. Enhanced Tracking Performance with new Auto Take-up Reel: The optional take-up reel (Optional for FC9000-140 and FC9000-160) supports cuts up to 50 feet and makes cutting large signs/POPs with stable paper carriages possible.This enables remote cutting without connecting to a PC. Graphics can then be outputted directly to the cutter from the USB drive. USB Flash Drive Cutting Option: When cutting data designed with Cutting Master 4 or Graphtec Pro Studio / Plus files are saved to USB Flash memory drives.Extreme Cutting Force at a Blazing Speed: With a maximum cutting speed of 58-46 inches per second and maximum cutting force of 600 grams, the FC9000 series continue the Graphtec tradition of extreme performance.It's icon driven interface is easy to run. 3.7 inch wide user-friendly LCD control Panel: Setting can be easily configured using the easy-to-read large LCD (3.7-inches, 240x128 dots) and tactile control panel.