Lower the handle to bring the soft plastic down and stretch it over your mold. When the plastic has the correct amount of sag or droop, its ready to form.

Place your mold or pattern anywhere on the perforated forming surface below, (also called the platen). This raises the plastic to the overhead oven where it will heat until it gets soft. You can form over wood, plaster and many other materials. Vacuum forming is ideal whenever you need a “shell” type plastic part with uniform wall thickness. The plastic cools quickly and retains that shape. Then you stretch it over a mold or pattern, and suck it down tightly with vacuum. What can it do?“Vacuum Forming” or “Thermoforming” is a simple process where you take a flat plastic sheet, and heat it until it’s soft. Inevitable Problems and How To Fix Them Do It Yourself OR Know What Your. Do It Yourself Vacuum Forming For The Hobbyist Pdf.Do It Yourself Vacuum forming for The Hobbyist.